The cutoff date for each age/grade will be September 1st.
For instance, a player playing in the 5th and 6th grade division cannot turn 12 before September 1st. If questioned the head coach will be held responsible for providing proof of age, (Birth Certificate).
All rules for the tourney will be those of the OHSAA with the following exceptions.
1. Each half will be 16 minutes in the 5th-8th grade divisions. Each half will be 14 minutes in the 1st-4th grade divisions
2.The clock will run continuously except for time-outs or for each whistle in the final minute of the game.
3.Half-time will be 4-minutes
4.Each team will have three times outs per game.
5.Teams may not press in the 1st and 2nd grade division. Teams may press in the last two minutes in the 3rd and 4th grade division. However, teams may not press with a 10-point lead.
6.Teams may press in the second half in the 5th and 6th grade division. However, teams may not press with a 10-point lead.
7.Each team will have four minutes to warm up prior to the start of the game.
8.Overtime will be three minutes.
9.All other discrepancies will be handled by the official on the court, if the situation cannot be resolved, then the tournament director will make the final decision.
When needed, the following tie-breakers will be in effect.
1. Head to Head
2. Points Allowed
3. Coin Flip